
Showing posts from July, 2009

RESCHEDULE!! BAMZ Lecture: 200 years of change: New Perspectives from Old Maps

Not Monday - TUESDAY!!!! FREE: Public Welcome Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm Location: Bermuda Aquarium Museum and Zoo - Classroom Flatts Village, Bermuda Phone: 2932727 Email: Come hear Jessie Hallett, BREAM researcher, describe how she used the 200 year old Hurd Map of Bermuda to determine how marine and wetland habitats of Bermuda have been changed in the past 2 centuries

Eagle Ray researcher Matt Ajemian in the news!

BREAM supported research graduate student Matt Ajemian, in part funded by the Eric Clee Environmental Fund at the Bermuda Zoological Society, was in the news today! Link to Bermuda Sun article from Wednesday July 8th Bermuda holds secrets to the elusive Eagle Ray Sarah Lagan Writer/Sub-editor Wednesday, July 08, 2009 Research:  Scientist Matt Ajemian (right) is assisted in the weighing of the captured Eagle Ray which is seen below being netted in to the boat. *Photos by Sarah Lagan The Eagle Ray is a species of fish shrouded in mystery and it is one man's mission to unearth the many secrets of these enigmatic creatures from our own island. PHD student Matthew Ajemian is visiting Bermuda from the University of South Alabama seeking an insight into the ray's movements and behavioural patterns. He is returning to complete the next phase of his research focusing on the ray's interaction with Bermuda's Calico Clam, now scarce here but once seen in their droves. Harrington ...

Every marine biologist's favourite song? It just might be!