Great News: Black grouper fishing ban extended

From the Royal Gazette: September 5. 2008 08:50AM
Black grouper fishing ban extended

By Amanda Dale

Government has extended the summer fishing ban on black grouper after research revealed the fish continues to spawn beyond August.

Environment Minister El James yesterday announced the closure of a section of the Northeastern Seasonally Protected Area to all fishing activities from September 1 to November 29.

A Government spokesman said: "The protected area is usually closed from May 1 to August 31 each year in order to protect red hind and black grouper — also known as black rockfish, that aggregate to spawn in the area.

"However, recent studies carried out by the Department of Environmental Protection indicate that the rockfish continue to aggregate in the area to spawn beyond the end of August."

The notice is issued under Section 4A of the Fisheries Act 1972 and states: "Take notice that the Minister responsible for the Environment, being satisfied that there is an immediate need for the prohibition of fishing in a fish aggregation area, for the conservation and protection of the Black grouper, also known as Black rockfish (Mycteroperca bonaci), hereby notifies all members of the public that fishing in the fish aggregation area described below is prohibited from 1st September 2008 through 29th November 2008."

The aggregation area is square in shape and extends 1,500 metres on each side.

It is enclosed by a line running in an easterly direction from a point 32 degrees 28.60 minutes North, 64 degrees 35.60 minutes West, to a point 32 degrees 28.60 minutes North, 64 degrees 34.70 minutes West, thence by a line running southerly to a point 32 degrees 27.75 minutes North, 64 degrees 34.70 minutes West, thence by a line running westerly to a point 32 degrees 27.75 minutes North, 64 degrees 35.60 minutes West, thence by a line running northerly back to 32 degrees 28.60 minutes North, 64 degrees 35.60 minutes.


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