Attending the American Society of Limnologists and Oceanographers conference in Nice, France

Dr. Thad Murdoch

I am away from Bermuda for a few weeks - attending the ASLO conference in Nice and presenting a poster on my research on coral functional groups (link to abstract). I was lucky enough to receive an Early Career travel grant for $1000 from ASLO to help defray the costs of the trip. I also will be visiting the Monaco Oceanographic Museum to chat with colleagues at the research lab there.

Meanwhile, back in Bermuda, Jessie Hallett is working on her BZS-funded project to georeference and digitize the 200+ yr old Hurd map of Bermuda's island and reefs - so that she can determine how much Bermuda's marine environment (such as the ship channels and Castle Harbour) has been modified since 1797.


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